Concurrent Enrollment

(HS Virtual Learning)

Teacher Responsibilities, Resources, & Support

Important Announcements

Archive of Past Announcements

❗️ Revised Grading Guidelines for APS High School Students

Teachers of high school students, please read the following letter from Chief Academic Officer Andre Wright about the revised grading guidelines for high school students for the remainder of this school year.

💥🆕 Grid View - Now for Google Meet! The grid view extension for Google Meet has now been loaded onto all staff and students Chrome browsers. See this video to learn how to use it.

ℹ️ The Genius Bar is open! Get help from our very own experts in instruction, content, ed tech integration, and digital library. Schedule personalized support in a 1:1 or small group online setting, or just pop in to say "Hi!" during office hours. All questions are GREAT questions!

💥🆕 Teachers: Google Meet is Now Available Through Classroom!

This development is game changing because it does not allow the student to join the meeting unless the teacher has joined. Here's the 3min video tutorial of this new process: Creating a Meet through Google Classroom



Weekly schedule:

  • Daily interaction with students

  • Follow your school’s schedule

  • Utilize Google Hangouts Meet for live meetings

  • Record the direct instruction of any lesson (model, lecture, etc.):

    • Organize, label (date and class period), and post video in Google Classroom

  • Daily office hours should be held for one hour daily for concurrent enrollment sections

Class period structure:

  • Opening

  • Direct instruction (record)

  • Work time/interactions

  • Exit ticket


Communication with students

  • Weekly one-to-one contact with junior and senior students: Google Meet, interact with students over Google Doc through comments/feedback, email, etc.

  • Post instructional materials for all lessons to Google Classroom: Google Slides & Docs, outside readings

Communication with families:

  • One initial communication sent to parents/guardians on March 31

  • Update all parents/guardians once a week

  • If students are off-track in terms of completing assignments: connect with parent at least once per week


4th quarter content that has been planned that is in the syllabus

  • Refer resources docs, and students will access all courses through Clever.

  • Continue to assign and grade work with your current grading criteria

Live Instruction

Deliver content- and skill-based direct instruction daily: think-aloud, brief lecture, etc.

Record your instruction during a Google Meet and post to Google Classroom

Establish norms: mute microphone, follow along with materials (e.g. Google Slides), respect members of the online community (no cyberbullying), etc.

  • Create opportunities for students to interact: post questions in Google Classroom, utilize the chat feature in Google Meet, students give each other feedback on Google Docs assignments, create links to Google Meet for small-group interactions, etc.

  • Accessibility considerations: Closed captioning feature in Google Meet and YouTube videos

  • Post Google Slides or Google Docs to Google Classrooms

Flipped Instruction

Keep videos short (no longer than a mini-lesson, about 10-12 minutes)

Verify camera and mic functionality

ADA/IDEA compliance: closed captioning features on YouTube videos

Create interaction & thinking opportunities with the presented material; avoid information dumps

The tool we recommend for pre-recording content is Screencastify. It is a chrome extension and has already been pushed out to every account. Every teacher and student will find it in the browser's extension tray. For support in using Screencastify, scroll to the bottom of this page under the "How To" section.

Assessment / Grading

One weekly formative assessment: multiple choice constructed response, Google Meet discussion (monitor student participation with rubric), Google Classroom discussion thread (monitor student participation with rubric)

What is the expectation for summative assessments recorded in Infinite Campus?

  • One or two summative assessments during the quarter: exam, essay, project, performance task

Enter grades into Infinite Campus: How to transfer grades from Google Classroom to Infinite Campus in three clicks


Feedback needs to follow norms for effective feedback: specific, timely, and actionable

  • Feedback is even more important in online spaces because they lack teacher, peer, and environmental feedback

Google Classroom

Every class will be connected to a Google Classroom where teachers can interact with students, post additional supplementary materials, and create opportunities for students to engage in discourse with each other. Teachers will need to create these spaces for each of their rostered sections, if they do not have them already.

Make sure to post the following items on Google Classroom: teacher schedule, shared Google Slides and Docs (where applicable), discussion threads, links to Google Meet, outside texts, and any other materials students need to access.

Provide opportunities for students to collaborate via Google Hangouts or Meet and via the Question discussion feature in Classroom.

If you need support in using Google Hangouts, Meet, or Classroom, scroll to the bottom of this page under the "How To" section.

Office Hours

Regular office hours provide students an opportunity to ask questions, get feedback, and check-in with the teacher.

  • We know that this time will be hard for many students in terms of being cut off from friends and teachers. Teachers should be available to check-in with students for a variety of needs, including just to say hello.

  • Office hours should be daily and last one hour.

How do teachers hold office hours?

  • For a quick 1:1 text chat with video as an option, use Google Hangout with your student.

  • For a set time meeting with groups of students, set up a Google Meet and link it to your Google Classroom.

  • Accessibility considerations: Ask students to turn on the closed captioning function in Google Meet.

Encourage Students To Read At Least 30min Daily

They can read a book or check out and read/listen to an eBook through the APS eBook library called Sora.

You can check out eBooks, too! 😉

Supports for English Language Learners

Connections to Content Area Instruction

General Considerations for the use of Edgenuity with multilingual learners:

  • Leverage available language supports in Edgenuity (text to speech, translations in 60 languages, translations in close captioning in videos)

  • Have set times to check in. Students will have questions and need a forum to ask these questions. Also, be sure to check in on the writing prompts for different contents and support for a variety of language proficiency levels.

When grading writing assignments, remember to consider language proficiency level in addition to content area understandings. Please use the APS ELD grading scale.

Language Services Support

Academic Integrity - Code of Conduct Expectations

Aurora Public Schools takes academic integrity very seriously and expects a full commitment to it from each student. Students participating in our emergency remote learning plan are agreeing to the following statements:

  • I will not submit work completed by or copied (in full or in part) from another person . This includes classmates, friends, parents/guardians, siblings, etc.

  • I will not submit work copied (in full or in part) and pasted from the Internet. This includes exact sentences, paragraphs, videos, logos, images, templates, etc.

  • I will not submit work that reflects the ideas of another person, regardless of whether or not I use the other person’s exact words.

  • I will work independently on all assignments.

  • I will not allow others to copy my work.

  • I will not misuse content from the Internet.

  • I will not use translators to complete assignments in world language classes.

  • I will not use any external materials or testing aids on assessments.

  • I will properly punctuate and cite all ideas from others I wish to use to support my own ideas.

  • I will contact my teachers for help in avoiding plagiarism.

Behavioral Integrity Remote Learning Code of Conduct

Aurora Public Schools takes behavioral integrity very seriously and expects a full commitment to it from each student. Students participating in our remote learning plan are agreeing to the following statements:

  • I will actively participate in all online platforms while honoring my classmates’ voices, experiences and situations.

  • I commit to being present in live meetings and doing my best to eliminate all distractions.

  • I will abide by the virtual classroom expectations set by the teacher.

  • I will refrain from using inappropriate, offensive or abusive language in my speech, writing or images I share on my electronic device.

  • I will not display inappropriate, offensive or abusive material on my device screen.

  • I will wear clothing that follows the expectations set in the Safe Schools Policies and Regulations Handbook while my webcam/camera is in use for remote learning activities.

  • I will not be involved in cyberbullying as defined in the Safe Schools Policies and Regulations Handbook.

  • I will only visit school approved internet sites.

  • I will not give out my personal information to anyone.

  • I will inform my teacher if I see something inappropriate or uncomfortable online.

  • I will not change device settings without permission.

  • I will not use someone else's credentials to log on or log on as someone else.

  • I will not share the passwords or links that are provided for Google Classroom, Google Meet or Google Hangouts, unless I have permission from my teacher to do so.

  • I will not post any educational materials including class videos, documents, and other multimedia to social media without permission from my teacher.

Behavior that violates our district conduct and discipline codes can result in consequences. Some violations may also be referred to law enforcement.

Consequences can include but are not limited to:

(09) Detrimental Behavior: Harassment - Sexual, Discriminatory, Bullying/Cyberbullying, Sexting

(12) Other Violation of Code of Conduct - Cell Phone/Electronic misuse, Computer/Internet misuse

Mental Health Support

For students:

  • During the extended school closure, after school hours or on the weekend call Colorado Crisis Services at 844-493-TALK (8255), or text “Talk” to 38255. This service is available 24/7 year-round. If this is an emergency please dial 911.

  • The walk-in clinic is available between 8:00am and 11:00pm daily at Anschutz Medical Campus 2206 Victor Street, Aurora, CO 80045

  • On and after March 30, between 8:00am and 3:30pm you can contact your student’s school counselor, social worker, or psychologist through Google Hangouts. Please go to the remote learning website to find the name and contact information for the school mental health provider.

For staff:

  • Professional counselors can help you manage any type of problem with complete confidentiality, 24 hours a day.

  • Guidance Consultants can assist you at 1-888-324-2631 or visit and register using the organization web ID: APS to create your own personal login.

  • Completely confidential - APS will never know if you use this program.


Students Use Clever To Access Everything

The Clever Portal will automatically be signed in and all resources available when students sign in to Google Chrome.

Video - Logging into Clever from Home Computer

The Clever Portal has sections at the top of the page called "Remote Learning" with buttons that will take students to school content, eBooks, Google Classroom, and back to this website.

Google Classroom

Manage teaching and learning with Classroom

Classroom helps students and teachers organize assignments, boost collaboration, and foster better communication.


Screencastify is a chrome browser extension that allows you to make screencast videos for direct instruction, tutorials, or quick explanations. It has been pushed out to every account and is in your extensions tray in the upper right-hand portion of your chrome browser.

Pear Deck

Create interactive Google Slide presentations - your students join your lecture synchronously with a code and you can connect with students, check for understanding, and support students with reflections on their learning. Pear Deck

Choice Reading

Sora eBook Library Over 6000 ebooks and audiobooks curated for Aurora Public School's PK-12 students and staff.

Chat & Video With Your Students

Google Hangouts - For quick chat and "lite" video teleconferencing.

Google Meet - For a more "formal" webinar-style video teleconferencing including features like recording and live closed captioning (great for ELL students!). The grid view extension for Google Meet has now been loaded onto all staff and students Chrome browsers. See this video to learn how to use it.

How To

Need Personalized Human Help?

The Genius Bar is now open! Get help from our very own experts in instruction, content, ed tech integration, and digital library. Schedule personalized support in a 1:1 or small group online setting, or just pop in to say "Hi!" during office hours. All questions are GREAT questions!

For technical issues: Email the APS help desk -

How To Use Your Home Computer For Instruction

Download and install Google Chrome

Short Video on syncing Chrome

Go To & Log In To Clever

Use this link to get to APS Clever: - Use your Google username and password if prompted.

Video - How to sign in to Clever using your Google email and password

How to Hold Virtual Office Hours

Creating virtual office hours using Google Meet

Allow student to schedule 1-on-1 meeting times

How To Get Started Using Google Classroom

💥See all Google Classroom Tutorials Here

Copy grades from to Google Classroom to Infinite Campus

💥How to Post Your Daily Connection Meeting on Google Classroom

Unsure where to start? See some sample Google Classrooms

Google Classroom "Cheat Sheet"

How To Use Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a tool that you will use to chat via text with your students and colleagues - Learn more about it here

Video Tutorial on Setting Up Hangouts

How To Use Google Meet

What is Google Meet?

How to record a Google Meet

Example of a Google Meet Linked in Classroom

How to Post Your Daily Connection Meeting on Google Classroom

How to Get a Grid View of Your Students ala "Brady Bunch" Style

How To Use Peardeck To Host Interactive Presentations

Peardeck Website

Intro to Peardeck


Installing and Upgrading Screencastify

Basics of Using Screencastify

Tips for Making Screencasts

How to Use Infinite Campus for Communication & Google Info

Help Sheet for Sending Google Information

How to Run a Report for Student Google Information

How to Use IC Messenger to send Email to Parents and/or Students

Getting Started With Sora eBooks

Click here for a helpsheet on getting started with Sora, or click here for video instructions