Power Your Potential tagline

Teachers & Staff

🔥Not Fully Remote But GOING HYBRID?

Check out these resources to help you manage a hybrid classroom (students both in class and remote)

How To Use Tech For Hybrid Teaching & Learning

💥Asynchronous Professional Learning Courses!

Self-paced courses for Google Workspace, Screencastify, Kami, Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Seesaw are now available for credit in Performance Matters. Take a course on your own time, at your own pace. Find links and course descriptions here.

Specific Responsibilities, Resources, & Support by Grade Level

Transitioning To Online Teaching Spaces

There are many considerations for teachers as they transition from physical classroom spaces into digital/online learning spaces. This document is meant to provide guidance and suggestions for teachers who will continue to facilitate learning online. Additionally, this document will serve as a support for those who will connect with individual students and groups of students to support them with their learning and continuing to stay connected with students during this unprecedented time.

We would like to encourage you to keep a few things in mind as we make this important transition:

  • Care: Remember that caring for our students is as important as content in a time of crisis.

  • Grace: Everyone who is responsible for supporting student learning at APS - all teachers, administrators, staff - are embarking upon this challenge together; we will make mistakes, we will learn along the way, and we will always extend grace to one another (and ourselves!) as we do our very best, one day at a time.

  • Simplicity: Create simple, straight-forward learning opportunities that use our foundational (GSuite) and essential (Screencastify, Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Kami) tools to support high-quality learning activities. Reach out to the Ed Tech Team for support.

  • Flexibility: Please be flexible with your lesson plans, your use of technology, your expectations for students and yourself, and do anticipate that what works one day or one week will likely change; flexibility is important as we teach amidst constant change.

  • Maintain A Healthy Work/Life Balance: Keep lines of communication open between all departments and colleagues, and consult your school leadership if you are having any difficulty in this new frontier of learning. We are here to support you!

  • Differentiation: Please attend to the needs of all learners: students with an IEP & multilingual learners, for social and emotional health please use this link for resources.

❗️ Remote Working Guidelines and Best Practices (If Applicable)

Please read the following guidelines and best practices from the Division of Human Resources to ensure that employees and supervisors understand the expectations regarding working remotely.

Remote Working Guidelines
Remote Working Best Practices