

Learn how to get your Flipgrid Certification!

Learn the foundations of Flipgrid and earn your Level 1 Certification. Like everything in our world, we made it simple!

  1. Earn your Level 1 Flipgrid Certified Educator badge. You can do this any time, including after you submit your Ambassador video!

  2. Use Flipgrid with your learners for at least three months.

  3. Submit a video on our Ambassador grid, in the very first Topic: Student Voice Ambassadors.

Seat time to earn certification- 3 hours

Share the innovative ways you’re rocking Flipgrid with your students and become a Level 2 Flipgrid Certified Educator!

  1. Earn your Level 1 Flipgrid Certified Educator Badge2.

  2. Add five enriching, resource-infused Topics to the Disco Library. Be sure to include Integration Notes to help your peers as they use your Topic with their class. After being reviewed by our Educator Innovation Leads, your Topic will be launched in Disco Library. Check out this post for best practices and guidance!

  3. Explore the rad ways you can engage families and the community by creating a MixTape and adding at least 3 videos from across your Grids.

  4. Share your voice by posting a video on this Topic.

Once your five Disco Library Topics are approved, email Jess at jboyce@flipgrid.com with your My Disco Library link (click the purple “My Library” tile in the Disco Library and then choose “Share this Playlist”) and the subject line “Level 2”!

Seat time to earn certification- 3 hours

Share your experience and empower your colleagues by earning your Level 3 Certification and becoming a #GridGuide.

  1. Use Flipgrid with your learning community for at least six months.

  2. Earn your Flipgrid Certified Educator Level 1 + Level 2 badge.

  3. Post at least ten Topics in the Disco Library. Be sure to include Topic resources and detailed integration notes!

  4. Share your voice as a #GridGuide by posting two videos in the Level 3: Flipgrid Certified #GridGuide Topic on our Certified Grid.

  • Video #1: Demonstrate the features of the Flipgrid Camera (the ability to pause/resume, add video filters, upload a custom picture, whiteboard, inking, etc) as if you were teaching Flipgrid to an educator that is just learning about Flipgrid. When submitting your response, include the hashtag #FlipgridCamera as a Title.

  • Video #2: Using the screen recording feature, record your computer screen as you walk through the Flipgrid Educator Admin as if you were teaching Flipgrid to an educator that is brand new to the platform. In a short video (no longer than 5 minutes), share the Flipgrid basics and highlight other key areas, such as Badges, the Disco Library, and Shorts. Once complete, upload the video to the #GridGuide Topic on our Certified Grid and include the hashtag #FlipgridEducatorAdmin as a Title.

  1. Once you have completed the steps above, email jboyce@flipgrid.com from the email address tied to your Flipgrid educator account.

  2. Include a link to your My Disco Library (found at the top of the Disco Library in your Educator Admin). We will review your Disco Library Topics and your two Certified Grid videos and get back to you with any feedback.

Seat time to earn certification- 3 hours